I have been meaning to post this since January but haven't got around to it.
Before- (These pictures include the last owners belongings!!)


Even this picture is a little old. Since it was taken we have replaced the garage door (not shown) with a lighter one with windows in it and the plants are all much larger and more mature. Looks much better...

I'm sure this goes without saying but I have re-arranged the living room several times since this photo.

The kitchen is only slightly different with the addition of an espresso maker.

I am not happy enough with the guest room, office and master bedroom to include them in the after photos but maybe after these last few jobs are complete I will be.
Jobs that still NEED to be done in the house…
- re-paint walls to cover touch up marks
- fix-up pass thru trim (sand, repaint)
- touch-up trim
- touch-up inside of kitchen cabinets
- trim to finish off the flooring under the dishwasher
- paint ceiling
Front entrance
- fix-up front utility closet (new shelving, paint, add hooks, finish flooring)
- buy and paint new stool (so I have easy access to a stool to reach the top cabinets in my kitchen)
- paint ceiling
- re-paint walls to cover touch up marks
- spray paint picture frames in matte black finish
- select & print new/updated pictures for frames
- paint ceiling
Guest bedroom
- finish painting trim (2 coats)
- re-paint walls to cover touch up marks
- fix crown moulding on electrical box enclosure
- cut and paint shelves in closet
- re-paint bedside table cream (i.e., swiss coffee)
- paint ceiling
- add trim to conceal sink plumping at wall
- spray paint exposed plumping on sink (just for aesthetics)
- touch-up trim around door
- paint ceiling
- finish painting trim (2 coats)
- re-paint walls to cover touch up marks
- buy & replace closet door
- paint new closet door
- paint ceiling
Master bedroom
- stain footboard of bed to match the headboard
- buy & hang new curtains
- re-paint walls
- re-paint bedside table and dresser a semi-gloss black (versus matt black which they are now and are not easy to clean)
- paint ceiling
Above are the jobs I actually intend to do, but my next post will be the jobs I would LOVE to do if we ended up staying here...