The first post I made on this blog was about a "Fun Find" of a basket with a chalkboard label that I had seen at Michaels. I have had every intention of making my own for the last 2 years and have finally done it. All it took was a friends baby shower and trouble finding the perfect gift basket (for a resonable price).

What you will need:
- an unfinished wood box (mine was from JYSK and cost around $8 on sale)
- a small wood frame (mine was from the Dollar Giant and cost $1)
- a thin piece of fibreboard for the chalkboard surface
- stain for the box itself and sponge applicator (here I used dark Walnut to go with the decor of the babies room)
- chalkboard spray paint
- construction adhesive to adhere the label to the box
- chalk
Putting it together:
1. Stain the entire box in a well ventilated room (outside being preferable). Make sure to do the inside, outside and bottom of the box. Allow for an appropriate drying time (about 1 week).
2. Remove the glass and backing from the frame.
3. Cut a fibreboard piece to fit inside the frame.
4. Spray the fiberboard with the chalkboard paint outside (to avoid getting overspray on anything inside your house).
5. Once the chalkboard paint is dry, rub a piece of chalk on its side all over the chalkboard surface to initially condition the surface and then wipe it clean.
6. Glue the chalkboard into the frame.
7. Glue the frame onto the box by placing the box on its side and putting some heavier books on top of the chalkboard label to hold it in place and make sure it adheres well.
8. Lastly, once the glue is dry use the chalk to write on the label.